Weekly Activities

Saturday Geeta Classes

A bhagavad geeta class is conducted every saturday in english from 4.30 pm to 5.45pm by Bro Ashok Lal Bherumal. Classes are interactive and each verse of the Geeta is analysed and explained in detail. Age group of the class is for adults.

Kindly call or WhatsApp 012-377 1565 for further inquiries or to register your attendance.

Weekly Activities

Sunday Satsang

Satsangs are held every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the programme includes:

  • Guru Vandana
  • Recitation of verses from
  • Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta
  • Recitation of Chapter 12 with Samputh path
  • Geeta Aarti
  • Recitation of Shri Hanuman Chalisa
  • Commentary on Shrimad
  • Bhagavad Geeta verses
  • Bhajans
  • Aarti
  • Preeti Bhojan (Lunch)

For more information call Srikala at 012-203 5606.
For hosting call Kishan 012-661 5636